Jumping to Conclusions: The Leap of Cognitive Misjudgment

& Relevant Book Recommendations
October 11, 2023
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Articles & Books | Cognitive Distortions | Ways to untwist your thinking | Automatic Thoughts
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Defining Jumping to Conclusions

Jumping to conclusions is a cognitive distortion where one quickly forms a judgment or decision without substantial evidence. It mainly manifests in two forms:

Mind Reading

Assuming we know what others are thinking without any specific indications from them.

Fortune Telling

Predicting events will turn out badly, even when there’s no substantial reason to think so.

Dr. David Burns, a luminary in the field of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), describes this distortion as, “You arbitrarily conclude that someone is reacting negatively to you, and you don’t bother to check this out1.

Impacts of Jumping to Conclusions

Anxiety and Paranoia

Assuming negative outcomes or beliefs about others’ thoughts can lead to increased levels of anxiety and, in extreme cases, paranoid thinking2.

Strained Relationships

Misinterpreting others’ thoughts or intentions can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

Reinforcement of Negative Beliefs

Constantly predicting negative outcomes can further reinforce pessimistic worldviews, feeding a cycle of negativity3.

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Origins of Jumping to Conclusions

While the precise cause can vary, potential contributors include:

Past Traumas or Negative Experiences

A history of betrayal or negative outcomes might condition one’s mind to expect the worst or misinterpret others’ intentions4.

Biological Factors

Evolutionary aspects might play a role, as being hyper-alert or interpreting potential threats could have been advantageous for survival5.

Over-reliance on Intuition

While intuition can be beneficial, over-relying on it without rational checks can lead to jumping to conclusions6.

Strategies to Overcome Jumping to Conclusions

Evidence-Based Thinking

When faced with a belief or assumption, actively seek evidence supporting or refuting it. This method anchors thoughts in reality rather than unfounded assumptions.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation help cultivate awareness of automatic thought patterns, creating space for more rational thinking7.

Feedback from Trusted Sources

Sharing your assumptions or beliefs with friends or therapists can provide a more objective perspective.

Questioning the Assumption

Actively ask yourself, “Is this definitely true? Are there alternative explanations?

Practice Patience

Instead of jumping to conclusions, practice waiting for more information before forming judgments.


As the acclaimed psychologist Dr. Aaron T. Beck, the founder of CBT, once observed, “If we can change the way we think, we can alter the way we feel and behave8. Recognizing when we’re jumping to conclusions and actively challenging this cognitive distortion is a step towards clearer, more rational thinking and better emotional well-being.

Jumping to conclusions Book Recommendations

Here is a collection of the best books on the market related to jumping to conclusions: 

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