Sample report for HUmor Styles Questionnaire

HSQ 32 questions Form

Humor styles scores

Affiliative humor
Self-defeating humor
Self-enhancing humor
Aggressive humor
Affiliative humor

Affiliative humor is defined as the style of humor used to enhance one’s relationships with others benevolently and positively. This style of humor is typically used in a humane, self-accepting way. 

Affiliative humor is similar to self-defeating humor because both styles of humor enhance relationships with others. However, unlike self-defeating humor, affiliative humor is not used at one’s expense.

You have obtained a total score of 16/56 for this trait, meaning that your results is Low levels of affiliative-humor


Self-defeating humor is characterized by using potentially harmful humor towards the self to gain approval from others. Individuals high in this dimension engage in self-disparaging humor, in which laughter is often at their own expense. Self-defeating humor often comes in the form of pleasing others by being the “butt” of the joke. This style of humor is sometimes seen as a form of denial in which humor is used as a defence mechanism for hiding negative feelings about the self.

You have obtained a total score of 46/56 for this trait, meaning that your result is Moderately high self-defeating humor


This type of humor involves put-downs or insults targeted toward individuals. This is the humor used by more aggressive comedians—the put-down artists like Don Rickles or the late Joan Rivers. When it is intended to threaten or psychologically harm others, it is the type of humor used by bullies.

While some of the audience to this type of humor will find it funny, others might laugh to cover up a feeling of discomfort.

You have obtained a total score of 27/56 for this trait, meaning that your result is  Moderate levels of self-enhancing humor.

Aggressive humor

This type of humor involves put-downs or insults targeted toward individuals. This is the humor used by more aggressive comedians—the put-down artists like Don Rickles or the late Joan Rivers. When it is intended to threaten or psychologically harm others, it is the type of humor used by bullies. While some of the audience to this type of humor will find it funny, others might laugh to cover up a feeling of discomfort. Prejudices such as racism and sexism are considered an aggressive style of humor.

You have obtained a total score of 36/56 for this trait, meaning that your results is Moderate levels of self-defeating humor

Detailed dimension descriptions

Affiliative humor

Your result: Low

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Your result: High

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Your result: Moderate

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Aggressive humor

Your result: Moderate

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